
4 Best Cold Email Software of 2024 (Features + Pricing + Ratings)

Best Cold Email Software

As we step into 2024, the world of best cold email software is experiencing a significant transformation, reshaping the landscape of email marketing and outreach. These innovative solutions are revolutionizing how businesses interact with their audience, offering advanced features and automation that streamline and amplify outreach efforts.

In an era where digital communication is of paramount importance, email marketing continues to be an indispensable tool. It serves as a direct conduit for businesses to connect with potential customers, nurture leads, and drive conversions. The significance of email marketing lies in its cost-effectiveness, wide-reaching capabilities, and unparalleled capacity to deliver personalized messages. As we navigate the ever-evolving digital terrain of 2024, harnessing the capabilities of cold email software is a strategic move for businesses seeking to distinguish themselves, cultivate meaningful connections, and effectively achieve their marketing objectives.

Below are 4 Best Cold Email Software of 2024:

1 Woodpecker

Best Cold Email Software


When it comes to streamlining cold email outreach and boosting response rates, Woodpecker stands out as a trusted name in the industry. Whether you’re a sales pro, marketer, or entrepreneur, Woodpecker is designed to simplify and supercharge your email campaigns. In this review, we’ll dive deep into Woodpecker’s key features, pricing options, and user ratings to give you a thorough understanding of what this tool brings to the table.


  1. Cold Email Sequences: Woodpecker empowers you to create and automate personalized cold email sequences. Craft your emails, set follow-up schedules, and tailor messages based on recipient actions.
  2. Email Verification: Ensure your emails land in the right inboxes with Woodpecker’s built-in email verification tool. This feature reduces bounce rates and helps maintain a strong sender reputation.
  3. A/B Testing: Fine-tune your email content and subject lines with A/B tests. Woodpecker provides insights into which email variations perform best.
  4. Personalization: Make your outreach more engaging by customizing emails for each recipient with dynamic fields and variables.
  5. Integration: Woodpecker seamlessly integrates with popular email providers like Gmail and Outlook, enabling you to send emails directly from your preferred email client.
  6. Analytics and Tracking: Gain valuable insights into email opens, clicks, and responses with Woodpecker’s tracking features. Monitor campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.
  7. SPF and DKIM Setup: Ensure email deliverability by configuring SPF and DKIM records within the platform.


Woodpecker offers a range of pricing options to cater to businesses of all sizes:

  • Pay-As-You-Go: Starting at $40 per month, this plan includes 500 sent emails, making it ideal for occasional users. Additional emails are billed based on usage.
  • Team Pro: Priced at $50 per user per month, the Team Pro plan offers unlimited email sending and is suitable for small teams or individual power users.
  • Enterprise: Larger organizations with specific needs can opt for the Enterprise plan, which offers custom pricing and features designed for scaling outreach efforts.

Ratings and User Feedback:

Woodpecker has garnered positive ratings and user feedback for its intuitive interface, robust automation capabilities, and email deliverability features. Users appreciate its ability to increase response rates and simplify the management of cold email campaigns. However, results may vary depending on individual email lists and strategies.

2. SalesHandy

Best Cold Email Software  saleshandy

Introduction: SalesHandy is a powerful and versatile cold email software that’s designed to supercharge your email outreach efforts. Whether you’re a seasoned sales pro, a marketing guru, or an entrepreneurial go-getter, SalesHandy is built to streamline your cold email campaigns and elevate your engagement rates. In this comprehensive review, we’ll dive deep into SalesHandy’s standout features, pricing options, and user ratings to provide you with a thorough understanding of what this tool has to offer.


  1. Email Tracking: SalesHandy equips you with advanced email tracking capabilities, allowing you to keep a real-time eye on email opens, clicks, and responses. This invaluable feature gives you deep insights into the effectiveness of your outreach strategies.
  2. Email Scheduling: With SalesHandy, you can effortlessly schedule emails to be sent at the most opportune times, increasing the likelihood of them being read and acted upon.
  3. Mail Merge: Craft personalized email campaigns effortlessly using SalesHandy’s mail merge feature. Tailor your messages for each recipient by inserting dynamic fields.
  4. Automated Follow-Ups: Ensure no lead slips through the cracks with automated follow-up emails. Set up sequences to nurture prospects and boost response rates.
  5. Email Templates: Access a comprehensive library of email templates to streamline your outreach. Customize these templates to align with your specific needs or craft your own from scratch.
  6. Document Tracking: Gain insights into how recipients interact with attachments like PDFs and documents, helping you pinpoint which content is the most effective.
  7. Seamless Integration: SalesHandy seamlessly integrates with popular email clients such as Gmail and Outlook, seamlessly blending into your existing workflow.


SalesHandy offers flexible pricing plans that cater to a wide range of user needs:

  • Free Plan: If you’re looking to explore the basics, SalesHandy offers a free plan with limited features, perfect for getting started.
  • Plus Plan: For $9 per user per month, the Plus Plan unlocks a more extensive feature set, including email tracking, templates, and document tracking.
  • Business Plan: Priced at $22 per user per month, the Business Plan is tailored for small teams and includes additional capabilities like automated follow-ups and mail merge.
  • Enterprise Plan: For larger organizations with complex requirements, SalesHandy provides custom pricing for the Enterprise Plan, finely tuned to suit your unique needs.

Ratings and User Feedback:

SalesHandy has garnered highly positive user ratings, thanks to its user-friendly interface, comprehensive feature set, and responsive customer support. Users praise the software for its ability to enhance email tracking and engagement, making it an indispensable tool for sales and marketing professionals.

3. MooSend



Moosend is a versatile email marketing and automation platform designed to simplify and enhance your email campaigns. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer, an e-commerce business owner, or a digital entrepreneur, Moosend offers a comprehensive suite of features to help you connect with your audience effectively. In this review, we’ll dive into Moosend’s key features, pricing options, and user ratings to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what this platform has to offer.


  1. Email Campaigns: Moosend empowers you to create visually appealing email campaigns using its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Craft newsletters, promotions, and personalized messages with ease.
  2. Marketing Automation: Simplify your email marketing workflows by automating tasks. Set up drip campaigns, trigger emails based on user behavior, and create advanced automation sequences to engage subscribers at the right moments.
  3. Segmentation: Moosend offers robust list segmentation capabilities, allowing you to precisely target your audience. Segment your subscribers based on demographics, behavior, and engagement.
  4. A/B Testing: Improve the performance of your email campaigns with A/B testing. Experiment with subject lines, content, and send times, and use Moosend’s insights to make data-driven decisions.
  5. Personalization: Make your emails more engaging and relevant with dynamic content and personalization tags that speak directly to each recipient.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights into your email campaign performance through detailed analytics. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and more.
  7. Integration: Moosend seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms, CRMs, and other marketing tools, making it a versatile addition to your tech stack.


Moosend offers competitive pricing plans suitable for businesses of all sizes:

  • Free Plan: Moosend provides a free plan that allows you to send unlimited emails to up to 1,000 subscribers, making it an excellent choice for startups and small businesses.
  • Pro Plan: Starting at $8 per month, the Pro Plan unlocks advanced features, including unlimited emails and access to the full suite of tools. Pricing scales based on your subscriber count.
  • Enterprise Plan: For larger enterprises with unique needs, Moosend offers custom pricing. This plan includes features like dedicated account management and priority support.

4. GetResponse

cold email marketing tool

GetResponse stands out as a widely embraced email marketing platform, boasting an array of features and advantages that have made it a top choice for numerous businesses and marketers. It’s crucial, however, to bear in mind that the realm of email marketing is ever-evolving. Therefore, it’s imperative to stay updated by checking the latest information and reviews before you arrive at a decision. Here are compelling reasons why individuals opt for GetResponse is good Best Cold Email Software in their email marketing endeavors:


  1. User-Friendly Interface: GetResponse prides itself on offering an interface that’s both intuitive and user-friendly. This means it caters to both novices and seasoned marketers, enabling them to effortlessly craft and manage email marketing campaigns.
  2. Email Templates: One of its standout features is its extensive collection of professionally designed email templates. These templates prove invaluable by saving you time and allowing you to craft visually captivating emails without necessitating any coding prowess.
  3. Automation: GetResponse takes email marketing automation to the next level. It empowers you to construct automated email workflows predicated on user behavior, triggers, and segmentation. This automation prowess is pivotal in nurturing leads and fostering more effective engagement with your audience.
  4. List Segmentation: The art of effective email marketing often entails dispatching targeted messages to specific segments of your audience. GetResponse excels in this domain by permitting you to segment your email lists based on diverse criteria, including demographics, engagement levels, and behavioral patterns.
  5. Autoresponders: GetResponse’s autoresponder feature is a valuable asset. It allows you to dispatch pre-scheduled emails to your subscribers, ensuring consistent and timely communication with your audience.
  6. Landing Page Builder: GetResponse simplifies the creation of high-converting landing pages through its dedicated builder. You don’t require additional tools or technical know-how to design persuasive landing pages.
  7. Email Analytics: The platform equips you with an array of detailed analytics and reporting tools to scrutinize your email campaigns’ performance. Metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates become transparent, enabling you to refine your marketing strategies effectively.
  8. Integration: GetResponse offers seamless integrations with a plethora of third-party tools and services, encompassing e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and social media platforms. This integration prowess streamlines your marketing efforts.
  9. Responsive Design: Emails created with GetResponse are primed to be mobile-responsive. This ensures that your messages render flawlessly on diverse devices, a crucial facet for connecting with a diverse audience.
  10. A/B Testing: You have the ability to conduct A/B testing on your email campaigns. This valuable feature lets you discern which subject lines, content variations, and design elements yield the most favorable results, facilitating the refinement of your marketing strategies.
  11. Customer Support: GetResponse places a premium on customer support. They offer various channels for assistance, including live chat, email, and phone support. This ensures that you have access to prompt help for any queries or challenges that may arise.
  12. Pricing: GetResponse caters to businesses of all sizes by offering flexible pricing plans. They often provide a free trial period, allowing you to test their features before committing to a paid plan. This pricing flexibility ensures that you can select a plan that aligns with your budget and requirements.

Ratings and User Feedback:

Moosend has garnered positive user ratings for its user-friendly interface, robust automation capabilities, and attentive customer support. Users appreciate the platform’s versatility and its ability to simplify email marketing efforts, making it a valuable asset for businesses of various types and sizes.

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